Investment Application Procedures
First of all, investors wanting to locate in the Thilawa SEZ are to discuss with the Developer (i.e. Myanmar Japan Thilawa Development Co., Ltd.- MJTD) for land reservation. The developer will communicate with the Regulator (i.e. Thilawa SEZ Management Committee) regarding the permissible type of business. If the type of business is permissible, and the required land can be available and reserved, sign the Reservation Agreement with the Developer. However, the Reservation Agreement is not the approval of investment. If the investment is not approved, reservation agreement will be terminated and reservation fee will be returned by the MJTD. The overview of investment application process is as follows.
1. Pre-application: Before the application is made (or when the application is sent online but not yet officially accepted), investors need to answer the questionnaires and send to the Thilawa SEZ Management Committee either by email or by online submission. The questions in the questionnaire are main factors taken into consideration in the quantitative assessment for investment approval. The answers to the questions will be assessed quantitatively if the application should be officially accepted. The questionnaire can be downloaded from the following link.
Download the questionnaire
2. Investment Application: Apply to the Thilawa SEZ Management Committee with the Application Form that can be downloaded below. And send one copy of the Investment Application Form to the Developer, MJTD. Provide the following information when the application is submitted. Online applicaiton is also available soon.
Location of the land in the SEZ, and location of the factory
Water supply plan
Electricity supply plan
Building/factory construction plan
Plan for installation of machinery and equipment
Environmental management plan
Investment Application Form (Form-1) and its Cover letter
3. Investment Approval: The Thilawa SEZ Management Committee will permit (by issuing the Form-2 as the Investment Permit), or permit with conditions (i.e. to permit when prescribed conditions are met), or reject within 30 days from the submission of application.
4. After receiving the Investment Permit, sign the Land Lease Agreement with the Developer. Send a copy of the Land Lease Agreement to the Thilawa SEZ Management Committee within six months after issuance of the Investment Permit.
5. Company Registration: Apply for registration of the new company at the One-Stop-Service-Center of the Thilawa SEZ Management Company. This Application for company incorporation can be made at the time the application for investment permit is submitted. The process of company incorporation takes only two days; however, the new company's registration will be given only when the investment permit is granted.
6. Building Permit and Fire Safety Certificate: Apply for building permit and fire safety certificate. This application can also be made together with investment application or when the investment is approved as per the investor's convenience. It will take 30 days for the Thilawa SEZ Management Committee to review. Application for building permit and fire safety is to be reviewed by the developer of SEZ, MJTD, to check if the standards are in compliance with their regulation and after that the SEZ Management Committee is to check further compliance. The detailed procedures and relevant application forms can be downloaded from the "Building Construction and Fire Safety" page.
7. ECPP: Submit the Environmental Conservation and Prevention Plan (ECPP). It can be submited together with investment application or after the investment is approved as per the investor's convenience. It will take 30 days for the Thilawa SEZ Management Committee to review. If the proposed industry is included in the list of IFC's Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines (which can be seen here); or if it has a large scaled furnace facility with gas emission; or if it has a large volume waste water discharge (i.e. more than 50 cu.m per day) with treatment system for hazardous substance and other pollutants; or if it generates substances with odor (e.g. manure, organic fertilizer, ammonia, wastes, etc.); or if it uses/disposes hazardous substance, the Initial Environmental Evaluation (IEE) report or Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, depending on type of industry, must be submitted. It will take 30 days to approve IEE or EIA. If the proposed industry is not included in the aforementioned lists, just ECPP is enough. In summary, everybody needs to submit the ECPP. However, depending on different industry, the Thilawa SEZ Management Committee shall instruct whether IEE or EIA needs to be submitted. The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) shall be submitted together with the IEE or EIA. The detailed procedures and relevant application forms can be downloaded from the "Environment Protection" page.
8. Start the construction of the factory
Other things to do during the construction or operation at the One-Stop-Service-Center
Can apply for visas, stay permits and other immigration matters for foreign employers, employees and their families. See this page for the detail.
Can apply for labor registration cards for foreign and local employees. See this page for the detail.
Can apply for any additional licenses and permits (whenever necessary) at the one-stop-service-center
Commercial operations must be commenced within three years after the issuance of the Investment Permit. If that’s not possible, a proposal (with sound reasons) can be submitted to the Thilawa SEZ Management Committee within 30 days before the expiry.